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In loving memory of Alieta Mantooth

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Our family, friends, and community have lost an amazing human being. Anyone who knew our beloved Alieta also knew she would give you one of her shoes if you needed it. A place to stay, a home cooked meal, hot shower, a ride, or whip you up an elaborate Halloween costume on the way to HER party just so you wouldn't feel left out. Everyone also knew, THE MOST IMPORTANT person in Alietas life was her beautiful daughter, Amber, and the lights of her life will always be her two grand daughters, Hannah and Katelyn.  This was a tragic and completely unexpected event in all of our lives. Today we're asking for help to lay this most precious spirit to rest and assist her girls with any and all costs pertaining to Alietas services. Also, helping Amber get her mother's estate together and get through  the next few months as smoothly as possible is just as Alieta would want and EXACTLY WHAT ALIETA WOULD DO FOR ALL OF US!!!
Anything and everything is appreciated. 
Service details soon.
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  • Jennifer MantoothMecham
    • $100
    • 6 yrs
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Amber Brady
Los Angeles, CA

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