Alimento para deportistas de Bmx atrapados en BCN
Donation protected
Hola Amigos, Ya todos sabran que vinimos a Espana a representar a Colombia en un Torneo BMX, vinimos varios con esfuerzo y pagandonos todos los gastos de nuestro bolsillo.
Desafortunadamente nos cogio el COVID-19 aca en Barcelona y tuvimos que hacer cuarenterna, muchos de nosotros no tenemos dinero para comprar lo necesario de comida.
Les pedimos el favor nos ayuden con lo que puedan $1 en estos momentos nos ayudaria muchisimo y cada granito que nos puedan ayudar quedaremos altamente agradecidos.
Hello everyone, as you guys already knew, we are stuck in Barecelona we a a group of BMX that came to participate in an event. Right now we are in Quarantine, Must of us just brought money just for the days of the competition; and the COVID-19 is forcing us to stay. we can not move from where we are. So that is why we open the raising so you guys from around the world can help us with your donations any $1 counts in this situation.
Please share and help us, we really appreciate your donations.
Desafortunadamente nos cogio el COVID-19 aca en Barcelona y tuvimos que hacer cuarenterna, muchos de nosotros no tenemos dinero para comprar lo necesario de comida.
Les pedimos el favor nos ayuden con lo que puedan $1 en estos momentos nos ayudaria muchisimo y cada granito que nos puedan ayudar quedaremos altamente agradecidos.
Hello everyone, as you guys already knew, we are stuck in Barecelona we a a group of BMX that came to participate in an event. Right now we are in Quarantine, Must of us just brought money just for the days of the competition; and the COVID-19 is forcing us to stay. we can not move from where we are. So that is why we open the raising so you guys from around the world can help us with your donations any $1 counts in this situation.
Please share and help us, we really appreciate your donations.
Arturo Acero