A Little Help from Grover's Friends
Friends of Michael Grover are raising funds so that he can do what he needs to do to take care of his health. Michael Grover, Leopold McGinnis, Patrick Simonelli, Wred Fright. August 2011 - Zygote in my Fez - Toledo, Ohio
An ultrasound detected a growth in Michael's liver. More testing is being done to determine whether or not it's cancerous.
Regardless, he is experiencing radiating pain and vomitting, loss of work and threats of total job loss due to it.
Michael does not have any sick time or benefits to help see him through this period of uncertainty.
His job is physically demanding, in a stressful environment and situation... his friends believe his focus right now should be getting through these difficulties in sorting out a solid diagnosis and considering treatment options-- NOT whether or not he's likely to be jobless, penniless and homeless in the next breath.
We are shooting for a few months worth of basic living expenses and out-of-pocket medical expenses like medication and transporation to medical appointments and testing. #alittlehelp4grover
If you don't know Michael personally, you may know him from his work in the small press literary community.
"Even when he's broke down and busted flat, Michael Grover has always championed the ignored underdog wordslingers of this ranky stanky greasy spoon diner we call the modern American small press." --Tim Murray, poet and author of 'Dinosaur Ditch'.
Michael Grover is a native Floridian. He is currently a resident of Toledo, Ohio where he spends a great deal of time working on his own poetry and giving back to the literary community in service as publisher, editor and events organizer. Michael is widely published in the small press. He is the current head poetry editor at Red Fez Publications and the founding editor/publisher of Covert Press. Michael has published several chapbooks, and in 2014, his first novel 'Lockewood/The Wolves Of Lockewood'.
"Michael has published close to 1000 pieces of poetry on Red Fez and read at least 10 times that many. Chances are he's read, considered or published your work, or published something you liked. He could use a little help right now." --Leopold McGinnis, Red Fez Publications Founder/President
Twenty-two poets gathered.. (http://www.toledoblade.com/Music-Theater-Dance/2011/08/07/Mix-of-poets-converges-to-share-works-at-area-festival.html ) "to share their work and more even wandered around the shadowy halls of Collingwood, a bunch of yahoos from all over the country and Canada! too. All known each other for years over the interwebs, various literary shenanigans/projects, inspiration and collaboration bopping around this virtual network --until that day, they all met. It was largely Michael Grover's fault that magic happened there in Toledo on that sweaty as motherfucking fuck, long-ass, spiritual, bat-weilding day. i knew it right then as well as i recall it now all these miles and minutes later, what a turning point in my own life that was. i am forever grateful and i will bug you (dear fellow asshole poets) endlessly until this man, our dear friend, has some relief to his situation. sorry, not sorry."--Michele McDannold, founder of The Literary Underground
Organizer and beneficiary