Donation protected
Apreciados amigos:
Es lamentable que la despedida de un ser querido llegue derrepente cuando las caracteristicas que le rodean son salud, juventud y muchos objetivos a lograr.
El dia 11 de Agosto de 2017 llego el doloroso e imprevisto final para la familia Mendez originarios de Colombia, el pasado Viernes Andres Felipe hijo, sobrino, hermano, primo y amigo murio en un tragico accidente de tipo laboral sin precedentes, una vida muy corta que se apago dejando con este suceso el dolor profundo de todos los que le amaron y aman.
Los gastos funerarios en Estados Unidos son altos y en animo de ayudar a esta familia a soportar este dificil proceso hemos decidido crear esta iniciativa y hacerla extensiva a todas las personas a las cuales llegue este mensaje.
Abracemos todos en solidaridad y amor a Andres Felipe y su familia que tanto lo requieren en este dificil momento.
Nuestras mas sinceras condolencias a la familia Mendez.
Dios les bendiga siempre
Dear Friends:
It's so sad when you have to say goodbye to a beloved friend so suddenly, one who was full of health, youth and many goals to achieve in his life.
On August 11th 2017, the painful and unexpected loss came for the Mendez family, originally from Colombia. Last Friday, Andres Felipe, son, nephew, brother, cousin and friend died in a tragic and unprecedented accident at work. The light of this very short life was extinguished, leaving a very deep pain on all of those who loved him.
Funeral expenses in the USA are very costly and the Mendez family needs our help. In order to aliviate a little bit on this difficult process we have decided to create a fund raising initiative.
Lets show compasion and love to the Mendez family when they needed the most and donate any amount you can. Every dollar you donate really helps.
Our most sincere condolences to the Mendez family.
God bless you always
Es lamentable que la despedida de un ser querido llegue derrepente cuando las caracteristicas que le rodean son salud, juventud y muchos objetivos a lograr.
El dia 11 de Agosto de 2017 llego el doloroso e imprevisto final para la familia Mendez originarios de Colombia, el pasado Viernes Andres Felipe hijo, sobrino, hermano, primo y amigo murio en un tragico accidente de tipo laboral sin precedentes, una vida muy corta que se apago dejando con este suceso el dolor profundo de todos los que le amaron y aman.
Los gastos funerarios en Estados Unidos son altos y en animo de ayudar a esta familia a soportar este dificil proceso hemos decidido crear esta iniciativa y hacerla extensiva a todas las personas a las cuales llegue este mensaje.
Abracemos todos en solidaridad y amor a Andres Felipe y su familia que tanto lo requieren en este dificil momento.
Nuestras mas sinceras condolencias a la familia Mendez.
Dios les bendiga siempre
Dear Friends:
It's so sad when you have to say goodbye to a beloved friend so suddenly, one who was full of health, youth and many goals to achieve in his life.
On August 11th 2017, the painful and unexpected loss came for the Mendez family, originally from Colombia. Last Friday, Andres Felipe, son, nephew, brother, cousin and friend died in a tragic and unprecedented accident at work. The light of this very short life was extinguished, leaving a very deep pain on all of those who loved him.
Funeral expenses in the USA are very costly and the Mendez family needs our help. In order to aliviate a little bit on this difficult process we have decided to create a fund raising initiative.
Lets show compasion and love to the Mendez family when they needed the most and donate any amount you can. Every dollar you donate really helps.
Our most sincere condolences to the Mendez family.
God bless you always
Organizer and beneficiary
Diana Carolina Olaya
Raleigh, NC
Ruth Nelly Corredor