Allan Carr Bryan ( The Bear) in Thailand.
Donation protected
Hi, I am Allan Carr Bryan's ex wife and the mother of his daughter Abigail Ilsley.
As you will know by now Allan sadly passed away in Thailand on Sunday 28th of July.
His daughter( next of kin), is having to fly out to Thailand with her sister to deal with official paperwork and hold a cremation.
Unfortunately Allan didn't realise that his travel insurance only covered him for 31 days and he'd been in thailand for 2 months.
My daughters are borrowing from everyone to get out to Thailand, the flights alone are £4,000.
They have to pay this money back on their return and pay for death certificates, which also need to be translated and receive an official stamp from the British embassy in Bangkok(futher expense).
Due to the outpouring of grief we have seen on social media I have decided to set up this go fund me to help the girls out.
As you will all understand they are beside themselves with grief and are not in the right state of mind to do this themselves.
Allan was a good husband and father and they would move heaven and earth to see him sent off in style.
They are also planning a memorial for him when they return but at the moment they are panicking to get out to Thailand.
Any help you could give for Allans send off would be much appreciated.
They are too proud to ask themselves but as a mother I can't see them struggle.
Julie Robertson