Allie Phillips Reproductive Healthcare
Donation protected
EDIT: I have raised the goal a little to help with lost wages since my husband and I will be missing a week of work.
Hello everyone.
My name is Allie Phillips. I’m 28 years old, married and a mother to a 5 year old girl. If you’ve found this page that means you have seen my story. Thank you for being here and supporting me during the darkest time in my life.
If you happen to not know my story, here is a quick recap…
I am currently 19 weeks pregnant. I attended my anatomy scan at 18w5d. During the ultrasound the technician saw some abnormalities and grabbed my doctor to come into the room. She briefly explained there was no amniotic fluid, kidneys formed abnormal and she was measuring small (15 weeks). Because of this they sent us to schedule with a high risk doctor here in Nashville, TN.
I saw a doctor on Friday 2/24/23. The news we received has changed our life since.
My little girl not only stopped developing at 15 weeks… but she also has a rare brain defect called holoprosencephaly. (HPE) That is where the brain doesn’t separate into two sections during the early stages of development. Only 3% of fetus’s make it to birth but don’t live long after.
Along with the HPE, her heart is missing 2 chambers, her kidneys and bladder did not form correctly and because of this it will stunt the growth of her lungs.
With all of these things combined.. our little girl is not compatible with life. The Dr said the longer she is in my womb the worse she will get but it’s ultimately our choice. So, my husband and I have made the very difficult decision to terminate my pregnancy.
Because we live in TN pregnancy termination (abortion) is not legally allowed. Even for medical reasons as my case is. So, we are being forced to seek healthcare in a state that offers women’s reproductive healthcare.
Having to receive the worst news in the world to then turn around and have to book flights and hotels has been the most challenging experience I’ve had to face… taking time off work, leaving my 5 year old behind as my husband and I go say goodbye to our little Miley Rose.
We have found a clinic in NYC that seems to be the most affordable and allows for midterm abortions. I will be traveling within the week to have the procedure done… so unfortunately it’s very soon.
I have our goal set for $3000 to help us cover the expenses of our trip. (Flight/hotel/procedure/taxis/etc)
Please don’t feel obligated to donate. I only made this because so many people have asked me to. If you can share this with your friends and family that is a huge help too. The amount of love and support we have received from strangers across the world has been overwhelming and amazingly beautiful at the same time. We can’t thank you enough. You’re not just helping a mom.. you’re helping a father and a big sister.
Miley Roses story has touched so many hearts and I hope her name will make a difference in the care women can receive in these extreme red states. Thank you for stopping by and thank you for all you’ve done.
Allie Phillips
Clarksville, TN