Alva Brazile was unlawfully and unjustly executed by Houston Police while walking across the street in 3rd ward Houston, Texas on July 8th 2016. His body was left to turn cold in the street for over 8 hours. His wife and 9 children are left with no protector, provider, and no answers. The first step is giving their King a proper burial. They then will have to figure out how they will be provided for. Their only survivng parent, Nikita Crawford is left with this responsibility, as well as a broken heart and pierced soul. Please help this family by assisting with the monetary burdens while they attempt to heal. She is attempting to lay him to rest July 23, 2016. They will need as much support as possible between now, and well after.
This means the world to his children, his wife and everyone who can feel and see the unbearable pain in their eyes.
Being eternally grateful is a true understatment.
Thank you all in advance.
Kiara Colbert
on behalf of Nikita Crawford(Wife) and Children.