Alyssa’s fight against cancer
Donation protected
Please join me in my niece, Alyssa Williams', strongest fight she has had to battle yet in her young life.
On June 6th, my sister, Jessica Tumblin, took Alyssa to her pediatrician for a persistent cough in which was thought to be due to seasonal allergies and was put on an antibiotic to help clear it up. After she completed the antibiotic, she started having swelling in her neck and chest area. Jessica took Alyssa back to the pediatrician and a chest x-ray was taken in the office. The x-ray revealed a large mass on her chest. That information took them immediately to UofM Mott's Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor where they spent a week doing numerous scans, ultrasounds, a biopsy, and labs. She also had a Central PICC line put in for chemotherapy as the doctor's were suspecting Lymphoma.
The biopsy was sent out for a second opinion as it was showing overlaying attributes for two rare lymphomas. One more so than the other. On Friday, July 7th, a final diagnosis was determined and Alyssa with all of her own uniqueness, wanted to be unique here as well. She was diagnosed with mediastinal gray zone lymphoma, a cancer that has had less than 500 reported cases since the early 2000s. Alyssa is a go big or go home kinda girl and she went big with this too. In addition to the lymphoma, she also has blood clots in her left neck artery and clots in her left arm.
On July 7th, while receiving the news, Jessica informed the doctor that she would be bringing Alyssa into the emergency department as the swelling in her neck, chest, and face was so bad now Alyssa was having a hard time breathing. It was decided in the emergency department, that due to the severe constricting of Alyssa's airways, she would start chemotherapy immediately and she would be admitted to the PICU. Due to the type of lymphoma, Alyssa will have 6 cycles of chemotherapy and will have to be hospitalized for a minimum of 5 days for each treatment. She receives the treatment continuously through her IV for the entire 5 days.
Anyone that knows my sister, Jessica, knows that her kids are her world and she would do anything for them. Beyond that, my sister and her husband, Chad Tumblin, are always there for anyone who needs them to be. They quietly give to those who are in need and are actively involved in their community. They help everyone on their worst days and in their worst emergencies so now I am asking for everyone to join us in their fight against cancer with Alyssa.
Many have asked how they can help or what can they do, so I have created this account for them as we all know one of the biggest hurdles with cancer is simply the financial cost of it. Any support we can give to them would be incredible. The biggest support above all is to continue to keep those prayers coming.
Alyssa, you are not fighting alone. We got you and you got this! Kick cancer to the curb!!
Brittany Scherret
Port Hope, MI