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Tribute to Carmine Amabile

Donación protegida
The Amabile family's lives changed dramatically when Carmine (aged 56) passed suddenly as a result of a tragic accident that took place on the morning of October 19th, 2019. Carmine was working in the yard with his father, Sebastian Amabile, and brother, Dan Amabile, taking a tree down when the unthinkable happened and Carmine lost his life.

Carmine leaves behind a loving wife, Michelle, and three sons, Carmine (CJ) (23), Anthony (21), and Leo (20). No one can ever be prepared to lose their spouse or their father, but it is especially challenging when the loss is so unexpected. 

Carmine was a kind-hearted and good-natured man, who worked tirelessly his entire life as a third generation plasterer to support his family. We have started this fundraiser during this time of need to help ease the financial burden of his loss, and would be grateful to anyone who can make a donation.



  • Daniel Evans
    • $100
    • 5 años
  • Ken Jacobson
    • $250
    • 5 años
  • James & Joanne Horner
    • $50
    • 5 años
  • Sue Babin
    • $25
    • 5 años
  • david legere
    • $75
    • 5 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Teresa (Amabile) Moore
Waterboro, ME
Michelle Amabile

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe