Amanda Espinosa Cancer Fund
Many of you know Amanda personally and many of you either know of her or have been helped by her realizing it or not.
Amanda has been a huge part of helping people in the Keys for many years. Since Amanda came to the Keys many years ago she has been instrumental in relief efforts in this area in the way of assisting with cleanups after Irma, raising money to help victims in hurricane assistance, distribution of emergency funds to residents and veterans via Hurricane Assistance programs by the American Legion, acted as Volunteer Coordinator for the Coral Head MusicFest with efforts to raise money for Veteran programs, and been the shoulder to cry on for many people during crisis. This is just the tip of the iceberg of ways she has helped others.
After all the help she has put out to others, now she needs your help! Amanda has been diagnosed with Invasive Ductile Carcinoma; aka Breast Cancer. It is located in her right breast and has spread to her lymph nodes. As I'm sure you are aware, this is going to be expensive to treat and she truly needs a hand. She does not have medical insurance; she could not afford it as she is the primary source of income in her household and it takes everything she has to keep a roof over her head.
2/25/2020 LATEST UPDATE: Amanda is Stage 3. This requires immediate attention within the next 30 days or we could lose her. She needs a double Mastectomy, Chemo Therapy, as well as other radiation treatments, doctor visits, etc.
I ASK YOU TO HELP HER FIGHT THIS TERRIBLE CONDITION. She is very positive and going to fight this every step of the way but the process is just beginning and could use your help. She will be missing a lot work due to doctor appointments and surgeries and simply needs a hand to keep her, not only in the Keys, but alive and well for a long time to come. We need this woman in our lives. She's always been there for everyone else without ever asking anything in return but now its time to show your love and assist her as she battles this terrible disease.
Please give what you can. No amount is too small or too big. Every dime will help and it will be greatly appreciated by not only her but those of us who love her very much.
Amanda is the secretary of the American Legion Riders 154 and a member of the Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion Post 154, Marathon Fl