Amanda Krause’s Medical emergency surgery
My Amanda Krause, I’m married to Brian Krause and we live in Burnsville. We are originally from South Dakota.
In June of 2021 we found I had an enlarged uterus and multiple enlarged fibroids pressing against my bladder, Kidneys and right ureter. We knew I would need to have surgery but were put off until end of August. On June 14 I began having extreme pain and dizziness and went into the emergency room to find my uterus had obstructed my rt ureter causing hydronephrosis of my rt kidney. They placed a stent in my right ureter and I was sent home. We tried to find a sooner surgery date but in the meantime I could not tolerate the pain and have been re admitted to the hospital for pain management waiting for a possible surgery on Tuesday. My current stent placed in my rt ureter may need to be replaced or a posterior drain direct from the kidney placed. Once all this surgery is completed I will be out of work for a good amount of time. I am raising money to help pay for costs of the trips to the hospital, help cover when my PTO runs out, etc.
I have had a tough year- I had a blood clot in my lungs in February and just recently found I have a torn labrum in my hip that may require surgery. I have epilepsy as well will take medicine for the rest of my life to manage that.