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Amanda's Cancer Story

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   Amanda has been diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago.  She has Invasive ductal carcinoma, stage 3 triple negative, with lymph node involvement.  She is receiving treatment at Derrick Davis Cancer Center at Forsyth Hospital in Winston Salem, NC.  She is also 19 weeks pregnant with her 3rd child.

   She is having several rounds of chemo treatments until the baby is delivered.  Then several more rounds of a stronger chemo followed by a double mastectomy and radiation if all goes as planned and tumors shrink.

   This unfortunately comes after a period of surviving melanoma stage 3 cancer during her 1st pregnancy.  Thankfully the child was born healthy and her melanoma was successfully treated.  According to her doctors the two cancers are unrelated.

   Amanda(33) has been married to her devoted husband Josh Doub(31) for 7 years.  They have two boys Baron(4) and Reid(2).  Josh is a Marine Veteran who served in Iraq as a fire team leader and now works for a battery company in a distribution center.  Amanda is a fulltime mother but waitresses and clean houses for much needed additional income.

   They both have a heart for helping people in need.  Just recently Josh unselfishly made 2 trips to eastern NC area that was hit extremely hard by Hurricane Florence to feed people in distress.
He took it upon himself with help from a friend to gather food & supplies. He searched for communities with hurricane and flood damage.  He set up his grill, started cooking and served hotdogs/hamburgers free to all.  He also fed power crews working long hours to restore power.  Josh put his strong desire to help into action and was able to bless many people.

   As they approach an extremely difficult time in their lives I (Aunt Sandra) would like to ask on their behalf for a financial blessing. Josh fortunately has health insurance thru work to cover most medical cost.  However, their income has dropped dramatically due to Amanda's inability to keep up with her daily routine due to doctors visits, treatments, and lack of physical strength.  Josh has missed and will be missing numerous days of work to support his wife when necessary.  Family members are supporting with child care and many other ways.

   The goal is to help them get thru one year of bills and expenses(mortgage, car payments, utilities, insurance, and other monthly bills)
so the burden of money is not on their minds.  Their finances are already quickly depleting with almost 12 months of medical issues still ahead.  Any donations will be a tremendous blessing to this young family and unbelievably appreciated.

   Our prayers will constantly be with Amanda and Josh and anyone who feels a desire to help them.      Thank you so much for taking the time to read!!!!!!!!   Aunt Sandra




  • Brenda Mayo
    • $50
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sandra Swaim
Clemmons, NC
Amanda Doub

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