Amanet Femijet (Young Mom dies while giving birth)
Donation protected
Me zemer te thyer dhe lot ne sy po krijoj kete goFundme per nje vajze nene e grua Shqiptare. Sot nje jete u shua dhe e vetmja gje qe mund te bej eshte te mos rri heshtur. Teksa fshi lotet, nuk me hiqet nga mendja foshnja e sapo lindur qe kurre nuk do shijoj puthjen dhe perqafimin e embel te nenes se tij. Nje nene heroike qe ne krevatin e lindjes zgjodhi jeten e femijes mbi te sajen, nje nene qe me fjalen e fundit la amanet edhe 3 femijet e tjere qe mezi po e prisnin ne shtepi. Djalit ju vendos emri
Dita me e lumtur e jetes se tyre u kthye nje makth nje lume lotesh... 3 femije qe u gjenden kokeulur ne tavolinen e pritjes... te paqarte cfare kishte ndodhur... pse te gjithe po qanin? pse jane te gjithe te veshur me te zeza? Nenze pyesnin ku eshte mami...
Veledije Murataj nderroj jete gjate lindjes se djalit te 4 ne Fushe Arrez. Gjendja jo e mire ekonomike po I rendon edhe me shume dita dites sidomos pamundesia te ushqejne dhe te kujdesen per te sapolindurin, engjellin e vogel.
I lutem zotit ti jap force familjes te perballojne kete tragjedi qe vetem fjale e pershkrim nuk ka. Lutem qe ato femije te gjejne perkrahje emocionale ne keto dite te zeza te jetes se tyre.
Shpresoj qe me keto fonde tjua lehtesojme sado pak gjendjen e tyre financiare perkohesisht.
With a broken heart and tears in my eyes, I'm creating this goFundme for a girl from Albania, a mother of 3 (4 now) and a wife. Today a mom made the most difficult decision of her life, her unborn baby lives over hers. As I wipe my tears away, I can't get out of my head the newborn baby that never got the chance to be hugged or kissed by his mom. A heroic mother who in her birth bed chose the child's life over hers. A mother whose only concern were her 3 other kids, who were waiting impatiently on the little brother to come home. She named the newborn Jeton ( Live in Albanian).
The happiest day of their lives turned into a nightmare a world of tears... Three children who find themselves left confused, with many questions in their heads... What happened? Why is everyone crying? Why is everyone wearing black? Whispering you can hear "where is mom?"...
Veledije Murataj died while giving birth to her 4th child, this goFundme is to support her family during this difficult time. All the money will be going to her husband to cover the funeral expenses and food/clothes for the kids.
I hope the family finds the strength to handle this tragedy. I pray for those kids to find emotional support now and as they grow up alone without a mom.
Kristina Andoni
Albanian Women of Michigan
Kristina Gjoni Andoni
Novi, MI