Amber Chafin
Donation protected

Amber is a 34 year old single mother of two boys, ages 5 and 12 years old. She lives in West Palm Beach FL and works as a Home Health Agent. On August 6th, 2020 at 7:51am, Amber, who was simply driving her way to work that morning, was hit from behind by a 18 wheeler semi truck at a caution light. The truck impacted Amber's car, which left the vehicle and herself crushed and also leaving her paralyzed from the neck down. The EMT's had to perform the Jaws of life to apian her out of the car. She was then rushed to the Delray Trauma Emergency Center for 2 months, where she underwent an emergency surgery for her neck, which was broken. Amber was put on a ventilator due to not being able to breath on her own and was also given a feeding tube. Unfortunately after spending two weeks with the ventilator, she then had to get a tracheostomy. During this difficult time, Amber's only concern and worry is seeing her kids suffer not being able to visually and physically interact with her. This has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for her and her family. Her mother has been by her side since day 1 and also having to quit her job to help take care of her and grandchildren fulltime.
After 2 months, Amber was transferred to a Rehabilitation Center where she's going to spend the next chapter of her recovery doing Physical Therapy. She has then been given intense PT treatments, which resulted her being able to finally show small improvement. She is doing her very best to get back on her feet. She wants to be able to hold, touch, play and support her boys. Her biggest motivation are her 2 amazing kids, who remind her everyday to thrive.
This GoFundMe is to help Amber with whatever she needs. Medical expenses, finances, and support for her 2 boys. Please know that any donation will be very much appreciated. Also we would appreciate if you would share our fundraiser. Let's get Amber back home to her babies.
Thank you.
Mary Chafiin
Wellington, FL