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Amelia's heart transplant journey

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This is Amelia from edinburgh who is 17 months old, she has 3 big brothers. Amelia became unwell with what seemed like a cold on the 28th. She deteriorated quickly and was transferred to glasgow where she was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy on the 31st March.her heart function was at 8% which they also call heart failure but with medications and Amelia slowly improving she got home on 20th April with medications and regular clinic appointments.

Amelia was sleeping on the 22nd May and her breathing went fast and she started sucking in so we went straight back to the hospital. They monitored her and said she had another viral. 24th may her heart rate was really high, oxygen levels were dropping and she was getting so sleepy. We learned her heart function is at 7% and she was too weak they had to start ventilation again. Unfortunately this time it was time to talk to the heart transplant team as the worry is her heart is too weak now. She got accepted onto the transplant list and we have been transferred down to London hospital to get a Berlin heart fitted next week. She will have to remain in hospital on the Berlin heart until a heart becomes available for her which could take up to a year if not longer. Unfortunately they can only accommodate parents and the rest of our family(brothers) can't stay unless it's the weekend.

With being so far away from home (Edinburgh) and Amelia's Dad having to give up his job to look after her 3 brothers. We have set up this go fund me to try raise some funds to support the family with travel costs, childcare costs and stuff Amelia may need along the way.

Anything helps to make things a little easier and take some of the stress of the family.



  • Danielle Hafferty
    • £10
    • 7 d
  • Anonym
    • £200
    • 15 d
  • Katie Percy
    • £25
    • 17 d
  • Cheryl Clarke
    • £20
    • 21 d
  • Anonym
    • £5
    • 21 d


Amelia Senior

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