Amelie Bacuyani’s Journey at Nationwide Children’s
Amelie Grace Bacuyani was born on November 30, 2020, at 23 weeks gestation, 17 weeks early. Weighing only 1 lb. 4 oz., this sweet micropreemie is a tiny, but mighty, warrior. Due to pregnancy complications early on, Amelie was only given a 10% chance of making it to 23 weeks, the earliest point at which doctors are allowed to provide life support in Oregon. Once she surprised everyone and made it that far, her chance of survival on the outside world increased to 30%.
Amelie is blessed to join a loving family, including her parents, Angie and Daniel, and three older brothers, Hudson (8), Bentley (5), and Micah (2). Even though her brothers have not yet been able to meet her, due to Covid, they are all smitten with her already and can’t wait for the day she will come home.
Amelie has defied the odds, during her 90 days at StCharles hospital in Bend, Oregon. There have been countless miracles in regards to her heart, brain, intestines, kidneys, eyes, the list could on and on. She has had a phenomenal medical team and a powerful God who loves her dearly.
Amelie’s biggest battle has been her lungs. She is still intubated on a ventilator, unable to breathe on her own. Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio is the only hospital in the nation with a NICU specializing in chronic lung disease, also known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).
Babies with BPD have a survival rate of 80%. At Nationwide, the survival rate increases to 99%. Nationwide is where the experts on lung disease are and where Amelie can receive the best care possible. So, her family and medical team have decided it is in Amelie‘s best interest to transfer to Ohio. Typically their BPD unit is full, with a waitlist. But currently they have a bed available for her. She will likely be in the hospital there for at least six months, possibly up to two years.
Amelie’s family has been blessed to stay at the Ronald Mcdonald house in Oregon for the past three months, where they have provided free housing, food, and love for the Bacuyani family. Unfortunately, the Ronald McDonald house in Ohio is not accepting children due to Covid. This means that the Bacuyanis need to find housing and provide food for their family. Daniel is having to quit his job for the move and Angie is significantly cutting back on her work to care for Amelie.
Amelie’s medical bills already total 1.3 million, (YES!!! MILLION!!) which she is blessed to have good insurance to help with. But this move across the country, that could save Amelie’s life, is putting financial stress on the Bacuyani family. Let’s rally around them and show our love and support.
Anything that you can do to help, they would greatly appreciate. What they need most is prayer, as they move across the country for Amelie. Thank you for your prayers for finding the right house, school, and support system quickly and safe air transfer for Amelie. We pray for Amelie and her family as they embark on this next adventure.
God bless you for taking the time to read about their journey. Thank you for your love and support.