Amira and David new music project
Donation protected
Hi, our names are Amira Willighagen and David Cerna. We are both musicians working together on a new project. We have found a beautiful Christian song called “Down From His Glory” that we want to present to the world in a new and unique way. It isn’t an extremely well-know song (although the melody may sound quite familiar) but this is in large part why this project is so special to us; this song is a hidden gem of Christian music, and we’d love to resurface it!
We’re singing half of the song in English and the other half in Spanish. The reason for this is that not only is Spanish a beautiful language, but it’s also David’s native tongue, and we want to give our Hispanic fans something in Spanish to enjoy. Not only are we both singers but David is an excellent pianist. We will also be creating the instrumental accompaniment from the ground up, orchestrating and arranging it together.
David lives in the United States and I live in South Africa, so we will record our voices in our own separate countries, and the mixing will be done in South Africa. Needless to say, it’s not easy to gather funds for a project of this magnitude. We are both young and facing major university expenses, and don’t have the means to fund projects like this by ourselves. This is why we need and would so appreciate YOUR help to make this project happen! We will be using these funds for the professional recording of our voices, the recording of a music video, and the transport costs.
Our goal here is to spread heavenly music through the talents God has gifted us with, to make the world a bit of a better place, and to demonstrate that distance is no obstacle for two like-minded musicians to create music together! We truly hope you will enjoy this song, which we’re pouring our whole hearts into, and we thank you so much for your support!
Much love,
David Cerna and Amira Willighagen

Amira Willighagen