Over four years ago in the season of Thanksgiving Amy found out she had stage IIb invasive ductal ER/PR Her2 + breast cancer. The cancer diagnosis has not changed who she is but has given her the opportunity to self-reflect and learn. She dove head first into healing herself and has also provided support to other individuals diagnosed with cancer. Starting day 1 she began a ketogenic diet - in short, no sugar and no carbohydrates! Other food restrictions such as no dairy or meat was also strictly adhered to for quite some time. Not only has she changed her diet, her daily routine was and continues to be consumed with various treatments. Her faith, discipline, and perseverance towards healing is truly amazing. Her will to live, to be a mother to three boys and to watch them grow up as well as grow old with me, keeps her going day by day. I’m very proud of what she is doing. She has over the years made gains and have seen set-backs. Fast forward to the day before thanksgiving 2019 when we got the news of it spreading to the liver, bone and lung. Amy is starting chemotherapy today, Friday the 13th, which she thinks is quite humorous. She will likely be heading for daily direct local hyperthermia treatments in CA as soon as 2020 hits. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers... Amy is so touched by all of your well wishes, love and support! Most importantly she would ask that you keep us, her guys in your thoughts...she worries about us the most:)