An Ríocht ac Community Charity Challenge
An Riocht athletics club have organised this fundraiser as our way of saying a big thank you to the Castleisland community for their continuous support of our club and events over the years. During the level 5 lockdown we are encouraging people to get out, get active and walk/run 5k and to donate €5 (or whatever you can) to this go fund me page. Our aim is to raise €5,000 and to split it between 5 local charities. We have chosen
Glebe Lodge
The Castleisland Day Care Centre
KDYS Castleisland
Oilean Beo, St John of Gods
Kerry Hospice Foundation Castleisland branch
We are running this challenge from the 5th November until the 5th of December with the aim of getting the donations to the causes before Christmas
All of these charities have had their fundraising affected by Covid-19 this year and would greatly appreciate any donations.