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Splash of Grace CP Fund

Spende geschützt
January 2nd, 2012 changed the Shipley family for life. Sydney Grace, Ava Grace's identical twin suffered a cord accident leaving the doctors no other choice but to deliver Ava 3 months early. Six weeks after Ava Grace's entrance in to this world, MRI scans revealed brain damage due to lack of oxygen & blood flow. The Shipley's would soon learn this tragic brain injry would lead to Cerebral Palsy.

Today, Ava Grace takes on many challenges but always with a smile on her face. She has recently been diagnosed with Cortical Vision Impairment, kidney disfunction and is training every day towards the mobility and independence most of her friends already display.

Our goal is to raise $10,000 by the end of the year to outfit Ava with the gear she so badly needs! Your support and donations will fund the many pieces of equipment, therapy sessions, devices, etc., that are not covered by insurance and are a expensive yet necessary part to Ava's healthy development.

Any donation is welcomed and greatly appreciated by Ava's two big brothers, her loving parents and her dog, Toby.


  • Glynn Reid
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


Ali Marwah
Austin, TX

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