Analucia Cabanillas Cancer Fund
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Analucia’s Cancer Fund
UPDATE 6/6/2023
Two years after Analucia’s first brain surgery (craniotomy) on June 1st, 2021 and after finishing rounds of chemo/radiation another tumor was revealed as grade four brain cancer-glioblastoma in May of 2023. AnaLucia is now courageously battling an inoperable brain tumor. Her condition has affected her mobility in her left arm and leg, leading to the use of a wheelchair. Now requiring constant assistance for daily tasks. Her recent medical evaluation from Shand’s hospital where she has been receiving infusions of Keytruda and Avastin revealed this new tumor, the size of a pear, growing in a critical area of her brain. Yet, despite the adversity, her spirit remains unbroken.
However, amidst this heartrending situation, there is a glimmer of hope. Our family will be taking AnaLucia to Mayo Clinic for a third opinion to explore potential surgical intervention and to reevaluate her case. We are aware of the risks if surgery becomes an option, and the decision will ultimately be hers to make.
Our family will pursue every possibility to save AnaLucia’s life. If the Mayo Clinic deems her case inoperable, we are prepared to explore other options, including Moffett in Tampa and treatments that are unfortunately not covered by insurance.
AnaLucia accomplished what seemed impossible to others given her medical diagnosis, she finished Nursing school at the University of Florida, and after her first craniotomy, she did not give up on her dreams. AnaLucia had just started her Nursing career in March 2023, the neuro-oncologist at Shand’s requested that she take medical leave to focus on her health in May 2023. She, unfortunately, cannot go back to work at this time and was not eligible for FMLA.
In this moment of difficulty, we humbly ask for your support through prayers and contributions via our GoFundMe campaign. Your heartfelt prayers and generous donations will provide the strength and resources my family desperately needs in these trying times. AnaLucia deserves more and we will go to the ends of the Earth to give her the treatments she needs. We are overwhelmed by the support and love from our community we have received over the last couple of years of battling this cancer. Let’s save AnaLucia’s precious life!
Much love, The Cabanillas Family
This GoFundMe is set up to AnaLucia's personal bank account so all of this money will get sent directly to her (besides gofundme’s 6%). If you would rather donate to AnaLucia directly her venmo is @Analucia-Cabanillas, or reach out for the house address.
Past -2021
Hey everyone, as a lot of you know I got diagnosed with a brain tumor on Saturday May 29th. I recently moved up to Gainesville because I was accepted to the Accelerated Nursing Program at the University of Florida. My migraines started November of last year, but they were becoming more consistent. In May, I experienced a crippling migraine while going on a run which led me to schedule an appointment with a radiologist. My CT scan revealed a small tumor. However, later in the day, my MRI revealed that the tumor was 7.5 cm (3 inches). A very large brain tumor.
Tuesday, June 1st, I had brain surgery (craniotomy) with an incredible neurosurgeon here, at Holmes Regional Hospital, with great success. The procedure itself took about 7 hours, and I spent 5 days in the ICU slowly recovering. My entire tumor was removed without any complications and the post MRI scan came back clean. Unfortunately, I experienced a lot of facial swelling, especially on both of my eyes that were closed shut, and dreadful headaches. Luckily, after surgery I was neurologically intact, meaning that I was able to talk, remember, think, and move my extremities. This brought a lot of relief and happiness to my wonderful family and my awesome boyfriend, Eric.
My recovery has been ok since leaving the hospital. The first three weeks, I was super fatigued and would get headaches, anxiety, nausea, and dizziness. I remember my first 1/2 mile walk with Eric was so tiring and difficult that I was absolutely exhausted when I got home; it felt like I walked multiple miles. Additionally, I experienced numbness and tingling sensations on my head and would hear strange noises as the cerebral fluid got pushed around. This was very annoying when I was trying to sleep. However, soon enough I began feeling stronger every day and the noises finally went away. I had 25 staples across behind my hairline, which were removed on June 23rd leaving me with one badass scar.
Two weeks later, June 15th we received the pathology results. My tumor is called Grade 3 gemistocytic astrocytoma. The tumor is malignant (cancerous) and is likely to grow back. However, it is not fatal! My oncologist referred me to Shands Hospital for treatment, but I also would like second opinions. I have a consultation with a radiation oncologist and another oncologist coming up soon. Please do not Google my tumor! My situation is far superior than anyone else's. Stay positive and optimistic with me. Trust that my age, tumor location, and clean post scans are key elements in a healthy recovery.
The amount of support my family and I have received is unimaginable, so THANK YOU SO MUCH. It really helps to know that I have a community who supports me and has my back.
I am not going to lie to you, I am scared. How could I not be? Though, I am confident that with positivity, love, and strength, I will overcome this.
I do have insurance (Hallelujah!) but I still don’t know exactly what I am in for financially. My family and I decided to set the goal at $15k and hope we won’t have to fight with insurance over anything. Of course, this has also caused a bit of a ripple effect with my parents having to take time off to care for me. (Most amazing parents in the world)
This GoFundMe is set up to my personal bank account so all of this money will get sent directly to me (beside gofundme’s 6%). If you would rather donate to me directly my venmo is @Analucia-Cabanillas, or reach out for the house address.
I am unsure if I'll have to withdraw from classes or if I can continue. As of now, I have been spending time making up missed homework assignments and exams. Also, I recently started to paint again.
Everyone is very optimistic here and my family and I thank you all for your support.
Analucia Cabanillas Cespedes
Melbourne, FL