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Anderson Dishwasher Fire

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In the early morning hours of Wednesday, August 7, my wife Simone started our dishwasher before heading upstairs for bed. Little did she know what would happen in just a short period of time. At 1:25 AM, our smoke detector went off and we soon discovered our dishwasher was engulfed in flames. Thankfully, we were able to evacuate the house quickly with our two children. Thanks to the prompt response of our fire department, the fire was limited to our kitchen. However, there is extensive damage to our home. Our kitchen is destroyed, and there is soot in every crevice of every room in our house and every item we own reeks with the smell of burnt plastic.

We believe we will be out of our home for the next 3 to 6 months while cleaning, restoration, and rebuilding takes place. Insurance will cover the damage to the home, however, there are things that insurance doesn’t account for. Any assistance would be so greatly appreciated.



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Paul Anderson
Topeka, KS

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