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Exuma, Bahamas Missions Trip

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Dear friends and family, 

I am so excited to announce that I am officially returning to Exuma, Bahamas this coming July 22nd-29th! 

I once again have the opportunity to travel and minister alongside Crossgates Baptist Church (Jackson, MS) as a member of the ministry driven performance company, CIC Dance Theatre. 

During last year's sojourn, we were able to host a VBS for the kids of the island and share the gospel through teaching various dance, music, and art classes. We also had the opportunity to lead various Bible studies, perform CIC repetitor at a community cookout, and participate in various serves projects throughout the area. This year I am excited to say that there are new opportunities for us to serve, minister, and deepen relationships and I am so grateful to have the chance to return and see all the Lord is continuing to do on this beautiful island.

First and foremost, I want to ask for your support in prayer as I prepare for this trip. Some specific requests include:

- Spiritual wisdom and preparation
- Open eyes and hearts to love and serve well
- Protection and unity of the team
- Safe travels
- Financial provision
- Boldness to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit
- Softened and receptive hearts 
- That God would be glorified through all we say and do

If you can help support me financially, please feel free to give through this page or contact me personally (all contributions, on and off-line, will be recorded on this page). All money will go toward the expense of this trip which is, in total, $1,800. 

I want to dearly thank you in advance for every mean and degree of support. I am truly relying on the Lords provision as He not only paves a way financially for this return but also prepares and roots my heart and mind deeper in Him along the way. If you would like to follow this adventure as it unfolds, message me through this page so I can add you to a mailing list for updates on all the Lord is doing through this incredible work and opportunity.

God bless and sincere thanks, 

Andie Knudson

Illustration de mains tendues

Faites un don de $50 pour aider cette collecte de fonds à atteindre son objectif.

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  • Anonyme
    • $250 (Don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
  • Ted and Joanne Strait
    • $50 (Don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
  • Yard Sale
    • $502 (Don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
  • Richard and Laura Smith
    • $45 (Don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
  • Brenda Gorham
    • $100 (Don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
Illustration de mains tendues

Faites un don de $50 pour aider cette collecte de fonds à atteindre son objectif.

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Andie Knudson
Columbus, OH

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