Andrea Farquhar & Baby Medical Fund
This campaign is for my daughter and grand-daughter. My daughter has recently been diagnosed with Thyroid cancer and Lung cancer. At 24 weeks pregnant she experienced her first lung collapse due to a tumor on her lung bursting. Since then, she has had 3 more collapsed lungs and has gone under 2 surgeries to repair, and hopefully prevent, another collapse on both lungs. She has spent a total of 4 weeks in the hospital and has been unable to return to work. At 29 weeks pregnant she began her first of 6 rounds of chemo-therapy. The doctors have still yet to deterime where the lung cancer is coming from and more tests will be needed once our grand-daughter is born. She will be delivered via c-section in order to prevent Andrea's lungs from possiblly collapsing again during labor. Between having a pre-mature baby and all the medical appointments in the days and weeks to come, a return to work does not seem possible at this time. Our family is asking for your prayers and financial help for our daughter and grand daughter pay all their medical bills that have been piling up while going through this very unexpected medical tragedy.