Help Andrés go the Singapore International Math Olympiad
Donation protected
The donation currency is marked as MXN because our place of residency is Mexico. Please consider the exchange rate $1 USD = $17 MXN (aprox).
I'm Andrés, a 5th grade student from Guadalajara, México. In the last years, I discovered I have a knack for math. I've participated in several local, regional, and state competitions. Recently, I won bronze in the SASMO Math Olympiads and was invited to compete in the Singapore International Math Olympiad Challenge this summer.
I need your help to gather $10,000USD to pay for the travel expenses, funds and represent my country internationally.
Thank you for in advance for supporting my education and dream.
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- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/Kkv8m1U4STJUULVu/?mibextid=LQQJ4d
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- YouTube https://youtube.com/@soyandrespaulin
- TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@soyandrespaulin?_t=8mlSGsvfVCP&_r=1
Soy Andrés, estudiante de 5to de Primaria en Guadalajara, México. Durante los últimos años, he descubierto que tengo un talento para las matemáticas. He participado en varios concursos locales, regionales y estatales. Recientemente gané bronce en las Olimpiadas Matemáticas SASMO y fui invitado a Singapur para competir. Necesito de tu apoyo para recaudar los fondos y poder representar a mi país a nivel internacional.
Gracias de antemano por apoyar este sueño y mi educación.

Ari Paulín
Jardines del Valle, Zapopan, JAL