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Andrew's Eagle Scout Project

Spende geschützt
Bleeding control kits for Glen Ridge schools.

The idea for my Eagle Scout project came to me a couple of weeks before the Parkland shooting and I pitched it to my troop the day before the tragedy in Parkland.   After Parkland I realized how important my project is.  My project is to train and prepare the school staff to effectively control severe bleeding in the unlikely event of a mass casualty incident or another event in a classroom before higher medical authority arrives.  Our schools would greatly benefit from my project because the leading cause of trauma deaths is uncontrolled bleeding and many of those deaths could have been avoided if timely bleeding control measures had been taken. I hope you understand the rising importance for this project.

● 45 bleeding control kits to be placed in the 4 public schools in Glen Ridge.
● Each kit costs approximately 85 dollars
● Will be placed strategically throughout the schools
● Will be used before higher medical authority arrives
● School staff will be trained through a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) program called “Until Help Arrives”.

Please help me reach my goal so I can get these kits installed in our schools.


  • jennifer pine
    • $20
    • 6 yrs


Andrew Leccese
Glen Ridge, NJ

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