Angel Fournier Rodriguez (Sayú)
Donation protected
Estimados amigos,
Con profundo pesar les informamos que nuestro amigo y compañero atleta, quien también fue un olímpico y héroe nacional en su país de origen, falleció repentinamente ayer a la temprana edad de 35 años. Fue un increíble remero que llevó a su país al escenario mundial y ganó múltiples medallas a nivel internacional. Su dedicación a su deporte era inigualable y realmente vivía y respiraba el remo.
Después de retirarse del deporte de alto rendimiento, se mudó a Texas para proveer a su familia, trabajando como obrero de construcción y conduciendo para Uber para sostener a sus seres queridos en su país natal. Todos los días trabajaba incansablemente para encontrar patrocinadores que ayudaran a traer a su familia a Texas para que todos pudieran estar juntos. Esta semana finalmente recibió la gran noticia de que su familia había encontrado la forma de reunirse con él, y se suponía que llegarían más tarde este mes. Estaba emocionado y no podía esperar para reunirse con ellos.
Aún no sabemos la causa exacta de su muerte, ya que está bajo investigación. Sin embargo, sabemos que su familia está devastada y están tratando de acercarlo a su esposa e hijos para que puedan estar cerca de él y tener los servicios fúnebres para él. La carga financiera de organizar el funeral es significativa, y estamos pidiendo su ayuda para apoyar a su familia en este momento difícil.
Deja atrás a su esposa y dos hermosos niños pequeños, una hija de seis años y un hijo de un año. No podemos ni siquiera imaginar su dolor y pérdida. Necesitan nuestro apoyo ahora más que nunca, y cualquier cantidad que puedan contribuir será de gran ayuda para cubrir los gastos de traer a su amado esposo y padre el adiós apropiado que se merece.
Nuestro amigo fue un increíble remero, hijo, esposo, padre y amigo. Se le extrañará mucho, pero su legado vivirá en los corazones y mentes de aquellos a quienes tocó. Por favor, ayúdenos a honrar su memoria contribuyendo a esta campaña de GoFundMe y ayudando a su familia en este momento desgarrador.
Gracias por su apoyo.
Dear Friends,
We are deeply saddened to share the news that our friend and fellow athlete, who was also an Olympian and a national hero in his home country, he passed away suddenly yesterday at the young age of 35. He was an amazing rower who brought his country up to the world stage and won multiple medals at the international level. His dedication to his sport was unmatched, and he truly lived and breathed rowing.
After retiring from competitive sports, he moved to Texas to provide for his family, working as a construction worker and driving for Uber to support them back home. Every day, he worked tirelessly to find sponsors to help bring his family to Texas so they could all be together. This week, he finally received the great news that his family had found a way for him to reunite with his family, and they were due to arrive later this month. He was overjoyed and couldn't wait to be reunited with them.
We do not yet know the exact cause of his death, as it is still under investigation. However, we know that his family is devastated, and they are trying to get him close to his wife and kids where they can be close to him and have the funeral services for him. The financial burden of arranging the funeral is significant, and we are asking for your help to support his family during this difficult time.
He leaves behind a wife and two beautiful young children, a six-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son. We cannot even begin to imagine their pain and loss. They need our support now more than ever, and any amount that you can contribute will go a long way in helping them with the expenses of bringing their beloved husband and father the proper send-off he deserves.
Our friend was an amazing rower, son, husband, father, and friend. He will be missed dearly, but his legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of those he touched. Please help us honor his memory by contributing to this GoFundMe campaign and helping his family during this heartbreaking time.
Thank you for your support.
Daniela Martin
Arlington, TX