Angel Jauregui’s Cancer Fund
Donation protected

I joined Sonia, Alvaro and Tia Alicia today at the recent results of the imaging and pet scan for the progress in Angels osteosarcoma.
It was probably the most difficult walk any parent has to live through to meet with those providers.
I wouldn't wish it to happen to any parent
The results were mixed there were positives and negatives. The arm tumor seems to have reacted well to the chemo as have most of the lung tumors. We won't know for sure until they remove the arm bone on 10/3. They will the biopsy and look at all of the tumor cells and look at the ratio of dead cancer cells to live cells. That will the determine the plan of keeping on with chemo or a change. After arm surgery recovery and another phase of chemo another few scan will be done. If there is progress Angel will go a major surgery trying to remove all of the tumors in his lungs. Most of them seem smaller and calcified except 2
Two tumors are significantly large. One tumor is especially worrisome.
It is touching the heart (that's scary).
The truth is that Angels life will forever be changed if they leave one live cell in him there are huge odds against survival.
Imagine hearing that about your kid.
There's hope- we will
Try to get it all but if we don't we have to talk about quality of life.
Let's keep Angel Sonia Alvaro and the kids in our prayers and more important let's be more consistently supportive, after all what else is family for.
Virginia Lemus
Modesto, CA