Angela Debelaks Cancer Treatments.
Donation protected
Hey everyone,
I wanted to update you on Angela’s healing journey. The last few years have been an extraordinary blessing. After all the trials and tribulations Angela was in a place where she felt well enough to enjoy life. She went on some fun trips with family and friends and was able to do a lot of things she’d always wanted to do. She was off all medications and each MRI showed no new growth or sign of disease. This time allowed her to grow closer also to her family and to watch our two children grow into wonderful young adults. This had a lot to do with your generosity and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Unfortunately, last week while on the way home from church she suffered a seizure, the first one in two years. That evening she had a few more and we decided to go to the ER. To make a long story a bit shorter we had an MRI two days later and it showed increased cancer growth in a wider area. This hit our family hard. The doctors at Duke University informed us that the only thing they can do at this time is chemotherapy; surgery and radiation are not possible since the cancer growth is so spread out.
For those of you that have dealt with or have seen it close hand through taking care of someone with this evil disease, chemotherapy wrecks a person’s quality of life. I am in retrospect thankful for the existence of chemotherapy since without that option we perhaps would not have had these last few years together as a family. We are though looking at some other options that might make her quality of life better this time. There are many alternative cancer treatments out there that look promising and one she gravitated to is called Hope4Cancer. https://hope4cancer.com/. This is an intensive three-week series of treatments that are meant to improve not only a cancer patients quality of life but even improve the patients prognosis.
The cost though is prohibitive since insurance will not cover these types of treatments. This plus the cost of chemotherapy and missed work has hit us hard financially. I know everyone here is struggling with trials and tribulations of their own, and I’m asking if you can’t give anything financially, please drop a kind work of encouragement and hope. And I truly wish everyone the best and keep us in your thoughts and prayers. And may God bless you and keep you safe.
Frank and Angela Debelak
Frank J Debelak
Wake Forest, NC