Angela Rajic funeral fund
On 05/30/2020 we gained another angel. Angela Rajic was diagnosed with ALS in 2019 and it has been a long battle ever since. Anyone who met Angela knows what a loving and caring person she was. She was a ray of light in this dark world. Angela was the most positive and energetic individual and her attitude was contagious. Throughout this whole ordeal she stayed positive and lived life to the fullest. Originally Angela wanted to donate her body to science to be able to help someone else in the future. Unfortunately with COVID they are no longer accepting body donations. This leaves her parents with having to plan a funeral with very short notice. All the funds will be given to her father to help with funeral expenses. Any additional funds that are earned will go directly to planning a celebration of life party that Angela wanted for her friends and family to celebrate her.
They are limiting how many people can attend her funeral so it will be close friends and family. We will be having a celebration of life once we are able to have large gatherings again. We want everyone who knew her to come.
Anything helps! Thank you