Angelica Gabrielle Dhondup
Friday, August 6, 2021 was supposed to be one of the happiest days for my cousin Angelica. Her and her high school sweetheart Tenzing
were finally tying the knot. It was the most beautiful night filled with family and laughter.
After the reception ended My cousin Angelica the Bride was being driven home. That’s when a drunk driver who stole a truck and was driving down the wrong side of freeway hit her in a head on collision. She didn’t survive, she hadn’t even been married a full 24 hours and is leaving behind a widowed husband 2 young handsome sons and a daughter she was a week away from adopting. This has been so unreal. We’re asking for help for funeral expenses as well as rent and other living necessities for this father of 3. While he figures out how to readjust to life with out the love of his. Anything will help the family is asking in Lieu of flowers please send donations, please keep her loving husband and children in your prayers. Please don’t drink drive. Thank you so much