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Angels For Kenny Elliott

Donación protegida
We have created this GoFundMe campaign for our dear friend and brother Kenny Elliott who was diagnosed with Stage IV Bladder Cancer on December 27, 2022. Kenny is a world-class musician and has played drums with the best including Lou Rawls, Al Green, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, and Jeff Goldblum & the Mildred Snitzer Orchestra. He continues to bring his joy and love of music to all who are fortunate enough to see and hear him perform. Click here to find out more about Kenny Elliott

Kenny thought the severe stomach pains he had been suffering from for the past several weeks were due to a hernia, but after 2 months of waiting to get in to see a hernia specialist (which he did on December 20), he was advised that this was not the case and his primary care doctor advised that he check into an ER, ASAP, which Kenny did the same day. After waiting 10 hours in the ER they performed MRI and CT Scans and he was given the news no one wants to hear - that it was cancer. On 12/27/22, a biopsy confirmed he has Stage IV metastatic bladder cancer (cancer has spread and tumors are in his abdomen) which he was told is inoperable.

The current treatment plan for Kenny is to shrink the tumors with 3 chemo treatments a week for 3 weeks (with one week off per month) for the next 2 months. He will then be reevaluated and hopefully begin immunotherapy. Kenny was discharged from the hospital on December 30, 2022, and is now at home.

The situation with Kenny’s health is still unfolding and our goal with this initial GoFundMe campaign is to allow everyone to help out now (those of you who know Kenny, appreciate that he has always managed his own affairs and is not one to ask for help) and to support Kenny by taking some of the financial strain off him so he can focus on his recovery. He is still dealing with his insurance provider and hopefully, the significant medical bills already accumulated from 10 days in the hospital (and those to come) will be covered. However, he doesn’t yet know what the financial impact will be. He still intends to do what he loves while he can - to play drums and teach. In addition to medical bills, he will also be dealing with a loss of income at some point (the doctor has advised him to take the next several weeks off, but Kenny is not having that). From our last visit with Kenny on Saturday 1/8/23, we can tell you he is in good spirits (still laughing at every opportunity), but he is also coming to terms with the shock of it all and what the physical and mental impact will be (there will be not so bad days and downright crappy days on the road ahead).

On top of dealing with all of this, his mother suddenly passed away, on January 3, 2023, due to complications from a fall she had. He has made plans to fly out for her funeral to his hometown of Chicago. Another kicker, Kenny got COVID while in the hospital (fortunately, he had no symptoms and is already testing negative as of yesterday). Kenny has had enough bad news this past week to last a lifetime and then some!

We ask that you join us in becoming an angel for Kenny and give whatever amount you can. This GoFundMe is as much for Kenny as it is for ourselves. When someone we love is diagnosed with cancer or some other debilitating illness, many of us feel powerless, but want to help in some way. This is an opportunity to do that - help in some way; whatever works for you. All proceeds will go directly to Kenny except the 2.9% fee GoFundMe automatically deducts from each donation (note: you are NOT obligated to add an additional tip for GoFundMe. Instructions on how to make the tip zero are available at this link.)

In addition to this GoFundMe, his close friends will set up a way for folks to sign up to bring or buy meals for Kenny & signing up to drive him to doctor’s appointments etc. He’s going to need people to lean on, so we encourage you to give what you can to help whether that is money, your time, your friendship, or all of the above if you’re able!

We will update Kenny’s prognosis & journey on this page as it continues to unfold. We ask that you please share the link to this campaign with your friends and family.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and God bless you all.


  • Dina Nyren
    • $15
    • 6 mos
  • Robert Sax
    • $36
    • 7 mos
  • Roy Alamon
    • $50
    • 7 mos
  • Paul Astin
    • $100
    • 7 mos
  • andrew acosta
    • $50
    • 7 mos

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Gerard Shadrick
Altadena, CA
Kenny Elliott
Scott Gilman
Team member

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