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Angie needs for school

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Hi, My name is Angie Adams-Weaver. I recently was deported to Canada after living in the United States for 30 years. It was my fault however, because I broke the law and served a 31 month sentence in Federal Prison because of it. During those 3 years I had a lot of time to think about how I could change my life for the better... My decision was to go back to school to help out other people like me change their lives before its too late. I have enrolled in college to become an Addictions and Community services specialist. I am very excited!! However I do need a little help with some of my tuition and living expenses. Any little bit would help and I appreciate any and all help in this step towards changing my life which will in turn allow me to help others change theirs, from the bottom of my heart. Thank You!
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Bringe diese Spendenaktion mit einer Spende von 300 $ näher an ihr Ziel

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  • Martin Bradley
    • 300 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Long John
    • 500 $
    • 6 Jahre
  • Meartin B
    • 1.500 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Pejman Alaghamandan
    • 45 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Martin Bradley
    • 1.000 $
    • 7 Jahre
Abbildung helfender Hände

Bringe diese Spendenaktion mit einer Spende von 300 $ näher an ihr Ziel

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Angie Weaver
Edmonton, AB

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt