Help Anglican Mainstream uncover the Truth
Every day five hundred people around the world consult the Anglican Mainstream website as a unique source of news from across the Anglican Communion. We cover stories that are real and vital news, often items which others would rather conceal. We also offer analysis on our blog in which we delve deeper to uncover the truth about many current issues.
It costs us an annual budget of £13,000 a year to support our four excellent colleagues who work (part-time) on various aspects of maintaining the site and its content and circulating a monthly report to our network. Generous regular personal and church donors helped us last year with £9,560. This leaves us with a shortfall of £3440. We are hoping you might help. 100 people contributing £34.40 each would cover the shortfall.
Fundraising team (3)
Tushar Mody
Anglican Mainstream
Charles Blagdon
Team member

Chris Sugden
Team member