Anna Alcala
Anna Alcala Funeral Expenses
Anna Alcala Is a woman who loved unconditionally and will never be forgotten. She was a intelligent, smart, kind, funny, beautiful, caring woman who put her family far before anything else. Our family is devastated by the loss of such a great woman. We are asking for any help to get all of her affairs in order and lay her to rest. May her kindness live on in your souls and keep her memory alive with all the great memory’s she has made throughout the years. Thank you for your support during this terrible time. My mother gave something to people In hard times that is better then anyone could offer, some people donate money to charitys some people give people advice but those who knew my mother know she gave people a roof over there head, money and a way to get back on there feet Helping people who are lost get everything together and that’s the greasiest gift of all my mother alway put everyone’s else’s needs far beyond her own and we as a family are asking for help dearly so that my mother is laid to rest in the best way possible because she always made sure we had the best no matter what so plz and thank you love you all and god bless