Ana Posso and Jonathan Devia
Donation protected
UPDATE 11/28/23
To start, I am incredibly thankful for everything you all have done for the family in their time of need. Thank you to the people who were the first people on the scene who helped try to save them as well as who were affected by the accident. Thank you to all who have helped this gain traction and help create a chance for change. Thank you to all who have donated and continue to donate. I would like to raise the goal to $25,000 because I think we can reach it and it would cover all the costs and we would be able to bring them to Florida so that the daughters and friends can say goodbye to Ana and Jonathan, which is what they want most in these moments of tragedy. Octavio is still in critical condition. The daughters; Neyery (20) still lived with her mom and was still dependent on her. She was very close to her mom. Yeila(18) was very close to her mom as well, she is pregnant and expecting a baby girl in December whom she was hoping could meet her grandmother and uncle. Divisay (16) as the youngest was the most dependent on her mom. We hope that all of them can support each other in this tough time at this young age. Ana was a Colombian immigrant who came here with her three daughters to find a better life for herself and her daughters. To try to provide them with a better quality of life. She was always independent and was the life of the party. She always helped people in need, if you were hungry she would give you a plate of food. She always longed for a son and she thought it would never happen until she met her husband. Even though the pregnancy was hard she and her daughters loved Jonathan like nothing else. He was especially close to his oldest sister. He loved dogs and animals. He loved his sisters as much as they loved him. Ana was an incredibly hard-working woman who tried to make the best out of her situation. She was super excited to go to Tennessee to see the Smoky Mountains but it wasn’t able to happen. It will be tough for the family to continue without the core parts of their family. Again thank you all for everything you all have done and continue to do. We are incredibly grateful. We hope you all continue to support and create change to make these accidents not happen anymore. Thank you so much and we will keep you guys updated as things happen.
Para empezar, estoy increíblemente agradecido por todo lo que han hecho por la familia en este momento de necesidad. Gracias a las primeras que llegaron al lugar e intentaron salvarlos, También agradecemos a todos los que están apoyando y deseamos que con esto podamos ayudar a crear una oportunidad de cambio para mejor. Gracias a todos los que han donado y continúan donando. Me gustaría elevar la meta a $25,000 porque creo que podemos alcanzarla y cubriría todos los costos e incluso los traería a Florida para que las hijas y amigos puedan despedirse de Ana y Jonathan que es lo que más desean en estos momentos de tragedia . Octavio sigue en estado crítico. Las hijas; Neyery de(20) todavía vivía con su mamá y seguía dependiendo de ella. Ella era muy cercana a su mamá. Yeila de (18) también era muy unida a su madre, está embarazada y espera una niña que esperaba pudiera conocer a su abuela y a su tío. Divisay de (16) al ser la más joven era la que más dependía de su mamá. Esperamos que ellas puedan apoyarse mutuamente en este momento difícil y a tan temprana edad. Ana era una inmigrante colombiana que vino aquí con sus tres hijas para buscar una vida mejor e intentar proporcionarles una mejor calidad de vida. Ella siempre fue independiente y era el alma de la fiesta. Ella siempre ayudaba a las personas necesitadas, si tenías hambre te daba un plato de comida. Siempre anheló tener un hijo y pensó que nunca sucedería hasta que conoció a su esposo Octavio. Aunque el embarazo fue difícil, ella y sus hijas amaban a Jonathan como a nadie más. Era especialmente cercano a su hermana mayor. El amaba los perros y los animales. Amaba a sus hermanas tanto como ellas lo amaban a él. Ana era una mujer increíblemente trabajadora que intentaba sacar lo mejor de su situación. Estaba muy emocionada de ir a Tennessee para ver las Montañas Humeantes, pero no pudo suceder. Será difícil para la familia continuar sin las partes fundamentales de su familia. Nuevamente gracias a todos por todo lo que han hecho y continúan haciendo. Estamos increíblemente agradecidos. Esperamos que todos sigan apoyando y creando cambios para que estos accidentes ya no ocurran. Muchas gracias.

We are looking for your support for this family from Jacksonville Florida after this tragedy has struck. Ana and Jonathan were struck and killed after being hit by a car going high speeds and hitting the sidewalk where they were standing. This accident happened on Saturday 11/25/2023 at 3:00 in the afternoon. This tragedy not only affects her family but also her close friends who were also with her on vacation. Ana and Jonathan were in Tennessee out shopping and then the accident struck. Ana (41) and Jonathan (22 Months) were incredibly loving and caring and were always the life of the party. Ana is preceded in death by her 3 daughters, a 20, 18, and 16-year-old. Her husband Octavio Devia (40) remains in a coma as well after the accident. They will all be truly missed by all who knew them and were close to them. We are looking for your help to help plan the afterlife care including funeral costs.
Esperamos su apoyo para esta familia después de que haya ocurrido esta tragedia. Ana y Jonathan murieron atropellados por un automóvil que iba a alta velocidad y golpeó la acera donde estaban parados. Este accidente ocurrió el sábado 25/11/2023 a las 3:00 de la tarde. Esta tragedia no solo afecta a su familia, sino también a sus amigos cercanos que también estaban con ella de vacaciones. Ana y Jonathan estaban en Tennessee de compras y entonces ocurrió el accidente. Ana (41) y Jonathan (22 meses) fueron increíblemente cariñosos y siempre fueron el alma de la fiesta. A Ana le preceden en la muerte sus 3 hijas, una de 20, 18 y 16 años. Su esposo Octavio Devia (40) también permanece en coma después del accidente. Todos los que los conocieron y estuvieron cerca de ellos los extrañarán de verdad. Buscamos su ayuda para ayudar a planificar el cuidado de la vida después de la muerte, incluidos los costos funerarios.


Fundraising team: Posso and Devia family (3)
Yeila Mariela Murillo Posso
Jacksonville, FL
Yeila Murillo
Team member
Neyery Posso
Team member