Anna Connors
Anna Connors is 17 years old, lives in Morrow county Ohio & attends Highland High school. She was on her way to her after school job when a semi tractor trailor pulled in front of her & hit her. She was cut out of her car and taken to Grant Hospital where she has been in critical condition with a broken wrist, 2 broken femurs and broken tibia & fibia on her left leg. The main concern is her brain inury. John and Karey are great people and fantastic parents, they will stay by Annas side and do all they can to help her through this but is going to be expensive. On top of medical expenses that are not covered the family will miss a lot of work and have travel expenses. We all know the bills still need paid. These are realy good people, the last thisg they need to worry about at this time is going back to work. If you are not able to make a donation please pass th is on to friends and family. Thank you.