Anna’s Cancer Battle
Donation protected
Hello friends, family, loved ones and strangers:
I am reaching out to you for support in my knock down drag out with cancer. The fear of living with a deadly disease is overwhelming and I pray I can beat this with the proper care!

You see, I have waited to be a grandmother as long as I’ve been a mother and always thought I would be part of their childhoods. Now I have three little creatures who will hardly remember me if I go and we can’t have that! I have two daughters still in need of my support as they navigate life and parenthood and I’m not ready to leave my family behind!

My little spot of trouble began in January of 2017 when I noticed some red and dimpled skin. I had a thermogram done, which looked negative for breast cancer but the lymph nodes did look worrisome. Although the doctor who read it, missed that. I then got a biopsy with a diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma and underwent mastectomy surgery.

Fast forward to 2019 and I now suffer from significant regrowth on the surgical site and struggle to use my arm for even simple tasks like putting on my jeans. I am in stage IV as it has spread to my hip bone.

That was the highest I could lift my right arm. Also could barely get my arm behind my back. That is because the cancer has been growing into my shoulder area and under my arm.
Since the time I used to work on an oncology floor in 2007-2009, I began to do some research. I realized I had significant doubts about chemotherapy. We now have newer information that explains the problem. Simply, it's that cancer has two types of cells - the fast growing and the stem cells. Chemotherapy reduces one but not the other. Even at the time of my surgery, the statistics for my long term survival were improved by only 10-15% with chemo! And that was the oncologist.
So I began to read and use some different natural protocols at home.
Eventually I found one of the treatments (herb salve) that is able to radically remove skin cancer and I used it on mine because some of it is just under the skin. This success made me a stronger supporter of alternative medicine, however, it was not a real solution as the area involved is too large and also some is internal. I do NOT recommend using black salve except on skin cancer.
Attention! People with sensitive psyches should omit looking at the next photo.
Okay, that's just a joke as you can hardly avoid it. This picture is not to scare you but just the opposite because this is a rare case when you can see the potential to cure cancer very efficiently. That is because the cancer was close to the skin. What is scary is the way cancer grows quietly inside some organ until it finally becomes life threatening. Although the black area may look charred, it is not. It is simply the color of the salve. It is not me but the cancer which is undergoing the destruction. "Me" is underneath of it. The cancer has no feeling, no nerve endings.

In May, 2019, my doctor had sent me for a biopsy and that is when I found out that it was growing on my chest wall and into my shoulder. At this point I realized I was in trouble and began doing more research and decided my best hope for survival is through an alternative clinic in a foreign country. I believe whole-heartedly that there are lots of options aside from just using devastating chemotherapy. Here, they use a mixture of traditional treatments like low-dose chemotherapy as well as alternative and immune based treatments plus a full focus on total body health with healthy diets and supplements. I believe this full spectrum approach is the only way out.
I am now at this amazing clinic and finally seeing improvements! Each week of treatment costs over $5000 plus travel expenses. I also quit working 2 years ago as a result of my cancer diagnosis and have been paying out of pocket for lots of treatments since then. That is the reason for this campaign! But the treatments are working and that is the first hurdle. (Complete eradication is the second hurdle.)
For about the first 2 weeks I didn’t notice much change but then I began to notice these little improvements. I could lift my arm higher. The lymph node in my neck began shrinking. First once, then twice. My arm doesn’t throb much any more. The pictures show the difference in my arm movement. I will post new ones as things improve. These visual signs show significant decrease in malignant mass. And this happened in 2-3 weeks! The lymph node is difficult to catch on a photo but is now less than half what it was.

The difference between what you can do at home and what can be done in a fully equipped clinic is night and day. I can’t praise this place enough! The care is outstanding and their treatments state of the art. They hit cancer from every angle AT ONCE. And when I go home, there will be follow-up care.
Here, even for stage IV cancer there is hope. Nearly everyone who comes is stage IV, and I have already seen several success stories. I want to be a success story and to share my experiences at such an amazing place to show what alternative options can do for people with stage IV cancer!
Unfortunately, insurance will not cover alternative treatments or treatments out of country, so this is all out of pocket.
So, for anyone so inclined, I would be humbled and grateful for any donation or other suggestions to help me with the costs so I can keep these treatments going as I see now that success is within my reach! Doing this, you will not only help me with my and my family's personal problem but will have a chance to watch a continuation of the story online. Also please share.
Anna Mulqueen
Chloe, WV