AnnEvertisements: Social Media Ad Fund
Anne with an E season 3 premieres January 3rd, only on Netflix
Anne with an E is a show that with grace and consideration addresses topics such as trauma, mental health, abuse, classism, censorship, racism, misogyny, Indigenous Peoples and residential schools, bullying, disabilities, and so many other meaningful topics. In times such as these, a show this capable of sensitively addressing these topics, in a way that anyone can watch, young or old, is incredibly rare.
With the recent news of Netflix's cancellation of the beloved period drama, fans quickly took to the internet to try and save it. It soon became clear that whether it was beloved or not, Netflix simply did not believe they were making a profit off of it. Netflix has yet to reverse it's cancellation, but frustratingly it also seems as though they have no plans to promote the third season of their award winning show.
As fans and long time viewers, we refuse to let this show go unnoticed any longer. With your help, this fundraiser will provide funds to promote advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube in an attempt to bring this astounding series to the audience it deserves. If numbers and profit are what is required to keep such groundbreaking television on the air, then that is exactly what we'll give them.
Every dollar put towards funding an ad on Facebook and Instagram can reach up to 74-210 per day. With every dollar donated, we have the potential to increase this number exponentially.
If any of the issues listed above move you, or if this show has ever impacted you in any way, please consider donating.
Every single penny we receive helps bring this show into the light. No donation is too small.
Thank you, and #renewannewithane Note: Any surplus after the January ad run will be used for other external Anne With An E focused ads.
moderated by @sarahsaveannew1 and @awaefanprojects on twitter
Want to see our advertisements? Head over to Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Anne-with-an-E-Promotion-101514368015338