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Another Chance Ranch

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I started writing a story called Another Chance in 2013. Since I began writing, I have had many readers share with me their story of being kicked out of their homes when one or both of their parents found out that they were gay. It is my desire to purchase ranch land and build a safe haven for these type of boys needing a safe place to call home; as described in the story and it's subsequent sequel Still Another Chance. This money will help in the purchase of the land and buildings that will be required. With the help of concerned people such as yourselves, this dream can become a reality for those children who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in need. Once I am able to purchase the land and establish an address for the ranch, I will seek to create a non-profit organization for the ranch so that donations may go directly to its account. Should you like to read these stories you may do so at http://storylover.us.


James Butts
Troy, OH

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