Ant Clausen was born in New Zealand, where he spent most of his childhood. He later travelled the world and in doing so discovered his passion for photography. Through sheer determination and hard work Ant became a self-taught, professional photographer. He eventually landed in Liverpool where he worked as a successful photographer for over 10 years.
Tragically, aged 47, Ant passed away in January this year whilst on a family holiday in his beloved New Zealand. The loss of such a huge, talented and generous spirit is still utterly incomprehensible but through his artistry and vision, his talent and passion will continue
forever. Ant was always ready and willing to help young people at the start of their creative
careers and it seems only right that, despite his much missed physical presence, he should
continue to help others chase their dreams.
To that end, the Ant Clausen Fire It Up Fund has been created to continue his legacy. Shouting ‘Fire It Up’ to get things kick-started was his way to charge the energy in any room. It is hoped that Ant’s infectious zest for life will continue through the Fund which aims to provide grants to people under 25 with no formal training who are passionate about pursuing a career in photography or film but either don’t know where to start; how to do it alone; need the tools of the trade; the experience and contacts or all the above.
Natalia Clausen
Open Eye Ltd