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Antarctica Marathon For GPI

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Come join my epic adventure!!! 
Hi! I’m Caela! I’ve always had a passion for pursuing big dreams and supporting orphans! In March, 2019, I'm running a 26.2 mile marathon in Antarctica to support 26 orphan kids in India.

My goal: $1,000/mile = $26,000 —Along with race and travel fees, this will fully provide for 26 orphan kids for a year at Aasha (Hope) Children's Home in SE India with Gospel Projects International . My brother and sister-in-law, Josh & Anna, founded this awesome orphanage, that’s completely run by volunteers (I help with graphic design and as an advocate). 

So here’s the deal. To be eligible to run in this Antarctica Marathon, I need $10K before 10/10, and a $3K "matching-gift” is doubling all donations before that date.

If you can help — by giving, or by sharing this link — it would mean so much!

Running a 26.2 mile Antarctica marathon to support 26 orphan kids is a crazy goal, but together, we can do this!!!


Je soutiens


  • Natasha Erickson
    • 10 $
    • 6 ans
  • Cassidy Jaimes
    • 50 $
    • 6 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 340 $ (don hors ligne)
    • 6 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 200 $ (don hors ligne)
    • 6 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 150 $ (don hors ligne)
    • 6 ans
Je soutiens


Caela Dunagan
Moses Lake, WA

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    Soutenez directement les personnes et les causes qui vous tiennent à cœur.

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    Votre don est protégé par la Garantie des dons GoFundMe