Anthony Adekola - Memorial
Anthony Adekola - Lizzy
On Saturday Evening Anthony Adekola sadly lost his life on his way home from work.
Anthony was a big part of everyone’s life whether it was at home in the community or even at work. His heart was full of love and he made an impact on everyone he met.
Anthony worked at Marks&Spencer and spentmost evenings there, constantly pranking everyone he worked with. He was loved at work not only by staff but even by the regular customers, even bringing their shopping to their car.
No parent should ever have to be burying their child and the aim for this gofundme is to give Anthony the best send off we possibly can. No donation is too small and anything is appreciated.
Anthony was a beautiful boy and did not deserve this. If only you knew how loved you were Ant.
You are going to be missed so much Anthony and everything we do now is for you.
May You Rest In Paradise Anthony Adekola