Anthony Pagnotta
Our dear friend Linda has lost her husband Anthony unexpectedly on July 28th. We have started this fundraiser to help Linda pay for funeral expenses and anything else Linda and her two young son’s may need. Linda and her family have not had the best year. In February Anthony’s mother passed away suddenly. .Anthony survived 8 days on a ventilator in a coma and was ultimately diagnosed as a Covid Survivor. Then on 4th of July they suffered a house fire . Investigators believe it to be a result of illegal fireworks. Since the fire, they have been living in hotel until their house is repaired and livable again. Any donation to help us meet our goal to help our dear friend Linda will be greatly appreciated. Anyone who knew Anthony or Linda knows their generous nature to many. So again any donation to help our friend Linda will make a big difference.
Isabella Moschillo and John Scivoli