Anthony Eddy's Battle vs Cancer
Led by Anthony's coworkers at Erie Insurance, we are hoping to raise at least another $3,000 for Anthony. His big need is a new adjustable bed. While insurance will cover A mechanical/adjustable bed, the model of the bed they will provide would require that it be set up in Anthony's living room, which would eliminate space for his family and guests and give his apartment the look and feel of that which a hospice patient might have... And this is not the vibe that Anthony needs to wake up to each and every day when he needs to focus on his rehab and health. So he would like to be able to purchase an adjustable bed that fits in his current bedroom and can easily adjust himself. There are additional modifications and wish list items that Anthony would love to make/have to make his home more comfortable and functional that additional funds would help with.
Jeanne reports - surgery went very well. Recovery will be slow - lots of pain meds and sedation - but Dr was pleased!
On Tuesday, November 14th Anthony is scheduled to have surgery to replace the hip that has given him so much trouble since the early days of this battle. This vital surgery will be followed by 3 weeks of rehab and physical therapy at Albany Medical Center. We will provide info on visiting Anthony once we have it.
As you may recall, Anthony had several rods put in place to hold that hip together prior to undergoing chemo and radiation. Over time, that hip continued to give him problems, causing incredible pain and rendered him immobile most days. Over these past several weeks, Anthony has had to use a walker and/or wheelchair to move about. It is his medical team's belief, that this surgery will significantly reduce his pain, give him back his ability to walk without a walker. It should also be a huge shot of confidence and hope for Anthony as he will continue with his chemo regimen.
We hope all are in for a wonderful Holiday Season and would appreciate any help you can lend.
This page is dedicated to raise fund to ease the burdens faced by Anthony Eddy (pictured above with his son Connor) as he faces a battle with Stage IV Colon Cancer which has spread throughout his body.
Anthony was diagnosed on September 27th and has undergone several surgeries already and began radiation on Monday, November 28, 2016 in advance of chemotherapy treatments which will begin this December. While his prognosis is daunting, his attitude is inspiring and his faith and hope, buoyed by the support of his family, friends and colleagues, have him primed for this fight.
Anthony is currently on short term disability and will switch over to long term disability in the near future. As welcome and as needed as the money Anthony will receive from disability, the income will not cover his basic living expenses. This page is dedicated to raising funds to help pay Anthony’s rent, utilities, car payments and basic living expenses.
If you know Anthony a little… you know him signing off on a GOFUNDME page was not easy for him. (It took us weeks to convince him!) We are thankful Anthony is letting us do this and thankful for the chance to help. While we hope to raise lots of money to alleviate some of his financial burdens, we want Anthony to know that letting someone help him is a gift to the giver. So in this season of giving, maybe give one less gift to your spouse or partner…. Buy the kiddos one less gift and send a gift via this page to Anthony. And please be sure to share this page!
Also, to be completely transparent and to ensure we are all on the same page, GOFUNDME retains 7.9% of all donations. It sounds like a lot, and it is we suppose, but while other sites may advertise less fees, from what we have learned, for those sites donors have fees added to their donation and they all end up in the same range. We will provide all donors a recap of how the monies are spent to all donors.