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Anthony's Recovery from HIT&RUN

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On July 19th just two weeks after my fiance's 29th birthday he got ran over intentionally by a person who is still out on the streets. He was pulling into his job when a car followed him in and as he pulled into the parking space the car parked behind him as if he was trying to block him in. Anthony proceeds to exit the car and step out, as he is stepping out and starts walking the car floors it right at him running him over with the car. This is 10000% intentional as he was trying to kill him by pinning him against a tree. This was also all caught on camera and police/detectives are working on the case. In the mean time Anthony's medical bills are already going to be at $300,000 before he leaves the hospital. He has 9 broken ribs, a fractured pelvis in 3 areas, and both of his lungs were punctured and collapsed. We are living together and this is going to take a while to recover from and without insurance it is going to be really hard for me and him to pay the bills. Anything would help please.


Hayley Schmeltzer
Kissimmee, FL

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