Stop 79 foot tall mast at Laytown train station
Donation protected
The Laytown Mast Action Group are supporting an appeal to An Board Pleanala against the proposed 79 foot tall 5G mast at Laytown train station.
We need to raise funds to cover the fees of a Heritage Consultant who has done an on-site inspection and provided a report (in relation to the protected Victorian buildings) in support of the appeal.
Any donation no matter how small would be greatly appreciated.
The enormous 79 foot tall microwave emitting telecommunications monopole (on an elevated setting 11 meters above sea level) would be a complete eyesore to our beautiful, historical, picturesque seaside village.
The 1996 Guidelines on Telecommunications Antennae and Support Structures state that only as a last resort should free-standing masts be located within or in the immediate surrounds of smaller towns or villages.
The data provided by Three shows that the relocation of its antennae to the proposed new telecommunications monopole will actually lead to a reduction in signal quality in Laytown.
Residents of Laytown would receive absolutely no benefits whatsoever to the installation of this enormous 79 foot high microwave emitting mast, while suffering countless detriments to our village, natural environment, protected structures and health and safety of our residents and in particular our children.
As classified by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Microwave radiation is a Class 2B carcinogen as is carbon black, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, DDT, lead, nickel, phenobarbital, styrene, diesel fuel, and gasoline. It seems clear that we would not expose children to these other agents, so why would we expose children to microwave radiation? Laytown playground is located only 250m away from the proposed mast.
The purpose of this ‘go fund me’ campaign is to raise the funds necessary to cover the consultation fee of a professional heritage consultant to strengthen our appeal in opposition of the mast.
Any donation no mater how small would be greatly appreciated.
Shamsa Doyle
County Meath