APPEER connecting autistic girls and women
Beschermde donatie
Appeer Community Interest Company is a not for profit organisation set up to connect autistic girls and women, and those around them in Surrey and beyond. It is run by parents and carers of autistic girls and many of our staff are neurodivergent themselves. We have been providing Peer Groups, Online Sessions, Community Visits and other Programmes for autistic girls and women, and their families since October 2019 and already support well over two hundred families.
Whilst we are grateful to have been awarded grants from a small number of funders, these aren’t sufficient to fund the services and programmes needed by our community. If you are able to donate even a small amount to support our families, it would mean a great deal to them and to us.
Funds raised are used to plan and manage the support Appeer offers for autistic girls and women, and their parents/carers. Your donation will help cover the costs of service delivery staff, venue hire, essential tech and resources for our Groups and Sessions.
The feedback from parents and carers, girls and teens has been brilliant and many have shared with us how much we have supported them and their families:
‘Lots of great advice’
‘Absolutely brilliant’
Extraordinarily useful”
"Where would we be without you?”
“It's put a smile back on her face, she was starting to struggle”
“Her confidence has increased”
"It’s the only activity like this that she does with any peers”.
To find out more about us, please visit our website appeer.org.uk

Appeer Community Interest Company