April the 4 Legged Chicken.
Donation protected
This fundraiser has been created to pay for April the '4 legged' Chicken's surgery.
On April the first I was tagged in a post about a Chicken with 4 legs and an infected wound.. I'm a bird specialist with Wildlife Rescue so people asking for help with their pet birds, often chickens, is fairly common. This was after veterinary hours on a weekend so ( though sceptical, it was April fools day after all ) I offered to help, it turned out to be true and by that afternoon 'April' had come in to care.
April has an extra limb, a type of polymelia or congenital twin that has resulted in two extra feet that merge into a third 'leg' attached to the base of her spine. These extra feet hang low enough so that April can't keep clean, they get covered in poo and are at risk of catching on things, also, as she looks quite unusual, other members of her flock had been pecking at her causing a wound. Upon veterinary consultation surgery to remove the extra limb has been recommended.
April isn't very old, probably only 8-10 weeks and just a baby really, she originated from an egg farm so never had a mum, she was then removed from there and given away because of her unusual condition but she has sweet nature and likes to sit in my lap and have a nap.
April has a number of obstacles ahead but I would very much like to give her the best chance at a long life full of bugs and dust baths and basking in the sun.
If any of you would like to contribute to the cost of her surgery and care that would be much appreciated. We could really do with the help.
As Wildlife Rescue is my usual occupation, any excess monies will be put to veterinary treatment and husbandry of the native wildlife that comes in to my care.
Thankyou for your time,
Olive Needham.
Olive Needham
Evelyn, QLD