Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

April the Giraffe & Family Fund

Spende geschützt

For those of you wishing to sponsor and support our giraffes; April, Oliver, and their expected calf - here is a safe and secure way to make your contributions.

The funds generated will be used to offset their annual care at our facility.  Anything generated, above and beyond the goal, will be dedicated to improvements of the new Giraffe Encounter Deck, Shade Stations in the exhibit, Energy Efficient upgrades to their barn, and the installation of a permanent Giraffe Cam at Animal Adventure.

This campaign is not to be confused with the baby giraffe naming campaign that will be launched post birth and gender reveal. 

This page has been launched to satisfy the overwhelming demand for a safe platform for individuals - near and far - to be able to sponsor our Giraffes.  Please note, we are a for profit organization, and your conributions are documented as gifts to the facility.  The contribution is not tax deductible. 

We were hesitant to even launch this initiative, but the overwhelming generosity has demanded a platform in which to give.  So, please, give away.



The Animal Adventure Park Team



Animal Adventure Park
Belden, NY

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt